Thursday, March 31, 2011

Week 10 - Internet Safety

Question 1: What do you believe could be an effective learning device for English language learners? What kind of technology or programs involving the use of technology could you use?

Question 2: What are your views on the NYS Education Law regarding Instruction on Internet Safe Usage?

Question 3: What was an interesting activity you found on the Edutopia site?


  1. 3. One of the interesting activities that I found on the edutopia website was a way for parents to stay informed. The article I read discussed how each teacher had their own web page (similar to the wiki that we are creating) and each web page had a daily or weekly newsletter, homework assignments, announcements, volunteer opportunities, student work, a list of recommended Web sites, and even pictures of a teacher's dog or Questions of the Week. I think that not only is a web page a great way to keep students on track and give them a place where they can go to catch up on mixed work, but it's also a great way for parents to be informed and involved. It might even encourage them to work with their children more at home. Much of the time, children are more technologically savvy than their parents, so a teacher's web page could encourage the children to teach their parents about what they are learning in school as well as how to use various types of technology.

  2. Question 1: What do you believe could be an effective learning device for English language learners? What kind of technology or programs involving the use of technology could you use?

    I found a quote on that matches up with my personal belief on how to effectively reach and teach ELL's:

    "I ask ELL students to share from their cultural heritage a writer, an idea, a historical event, or a reading related to the lesson being studied; activities include reading Pablo Neruda's love poems in Spanish, teaching haiku in Japanese characters, and demonstrating and explaining the meaning of a traditional Kurdish dance. The positive interaction with the class builds confidence, interest, and friendship."

    The inclusion of ELL's in our classrooms should be a give-and-take. How can they be open to learning our language and culture if we are not open to theirs?

    As far as what technologies could be used, I felt that using the above quote could yield several examples. For the traditional Kurdish dances the teacher could take a video of the entire class learning some simple dance moves and posting them on the internet. For the use of Japanese characters to demonstrate haikus, we could show the class a step by step video on how to draw the characters and have the whole class follow along (maybe even use dotted lines on worksheets for younger students).

    Question 2: What are your views on the NYS Education Law regarding Instruction on Internet Safe Usage?

    I felt that the language was too broad and very vague. Anytime there is a law that is passed that uses words like "proper" and "appropriate" I become very wary. My interpretation of the law is that we are giving the power to decide what is safe to a very, very small group of people.

    I think that parents should ultimately decide. And aren't parents of voting age for our students? Why can't they decide and vote on what is appropriate instead of handing that decision over to someone that does not know their child as well as they do?

    Question 3: What was an interesting activity you found on the Edutopia site?

    Something interesting that I found on was not exactly an activity but instead was an entire after school program that was being used in South Carolina. It used several college students and volunteers to work with children every day after school and reinforce their social and emotional learning.

    It reminded me a lot about some of the ideas that Kim Kennedy had been teaching us this semester and how important it has become to teach children how to be accepting and caring.

  3. 1.There are multiple learning websites on the internet that can help you benefit your ELL students. One way ELL students learn is visually seeing a picture of what you're trying to describe. Another way to introduce technology to ELL students is at reading time to specifically have them work on the computer with spelling games during their times.

    2. When introducing students to the internet there are multiple things the parents and teachers must research first. One in particular is language, language is key and the words need to be understandable. Another is that the content is educational and a fun way to learn the information that they are being introduced to. A classroom blog with multiple websites is a great way to introduce educational programs to parents and students.

